Damn cant believe its already been 2 years.. Mark was my dude, he was like my big brother. He smartened me up to a lot of things. He wasnt like normal dudes. He was all about his Fam and friends.... He used to looove downsouth hiphop, thats all he ever bumped in his car.. He loved Cadillacs, we used to call him P Deville. One of his favorite artists was scarface, so when i was at badboy a couple weeks ago with sickamore we ran into scarface and he said whattup to me.. I was kinda star struck, I never really liked scarface but it was like Mark was living through me at that moment. It was real dope.
Mark helped me and Dj get our first apartment, it was in housing and wasnt much but it was a start. He always used to tell me to never give up on my music dreams, if he could be here know and see what im doing he'd be stoked..I remember when i opened the bar him and T came through. He was super excited, one because we both loved to drink (he got me fucked up for the first time, off southern comfort budweiser and crown) and two because I was doing something productive. I was making it happen. He treated his friends like fam and thats what I loved about him. I used to hit him up for advice whenever, you woulda liked him...
"So...Curse the day that birthed the bastard who caused your Church mass..Reverse the crash, Reverse the blast, And reverse the car....Reverse the day, and there you are"
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